Call For Abstracts
The National Human Rights Commission, Nepal is pleased to announce the opening for submission of abstracts for the International Conference on Protection of Rights of the Migrant Workers.
Interested international experts, research scholars and intelligentsia are encouraged to submit their abstracts in words not exceeding 300 on the set themes. We expect three complementary papers for presentation under each of the five themes. A brief concept note on the themes will be made available on request.
Guidelines for Submission:
Interested applicants should send the abstract on aforementioned themes and sub-themes not exceeding 300 words. Additional abstract guidelines include:
1. A title, key words and name of author;
2. Applicants should also submit a short bio, including the position they hold and the current academic position, institutional affiliation;
3. Submitted abstract should essentially be linked to the Global Compact on safe, orderly and regular migration;
4. Abstracts can be submitted in one or more sub-themes;
5. The content of the abstract should not be changed after the submission;
6. The abstract should be written in English;
7. The National Human Rights Commission, Nepal holds right to accept or reject the abstracts.
Deadline for abstract submission: 15 August, 2019
Notification about the selection of abstracts: 30 August, 2019
Deadline for submission of the papers: 15 October, 2019
Note: Only selected abstracts will be contacted within the deadline to submit papers
For further information and abstract submission, please send an email to